Customer-owned generation – Michigan

Information for installing your own onsite electric generation system in Michigan.

You and your installer’s responsibilities

  • You and your installer are responsible for the design, installation, operation and maintenance of any generation system installed.
  • You and your installer are responsible for following the interconnection rules of the Michigan Public Service Commission and for meeting all of our tariff requirements, as well as applicable laws and regulations (local, state and federal).
    • These requirements are designed to: protect distribution system facilities; avoid electrical interference problems; ensure the safety of customers, electric provider employees and the general public; and maintain overall system reliability.
    • If you connect to our distribution system with a generation facility with a capacity of 15 megawatts (MW) or less, you must comply with Michigan Administrative Code Rules, Rule 460.901 et seq Rules for Interconnecting Distributed Generation Facilities.
    • By installing customer-owned generation, the customer/installer agree to address any existing issues with metering/service equipment to meet current requirements.
  • You are required by law to maintain liability insurance (equal to or greater than amounts indicated in Rule 460.986) for a level 3 through 5 project, or to prove financial responsibility by another means agreeable to us.
  • You are required to notify us if a material modification is made to your generation facility at any time during or after the installation process. A material modification is any modification that changes the maximum electrical output of your facility or changes the interconnection equipment, including:
    • Changing from certified to noncertified devices.
    • Replacing a component with a component of different functionality or UL listing.
  • You are responsible for proper installation, operation and maintenance of specified protective devices.
  • You are responsible for the expense to obtain any and all authorizations, permits and licenses required for construction and operation of your generating facilities.
  • You are required to complete the steps listed below.

Our responsibilities: We are responsible for promptly carrying out our role in the steps below and for meeting all required steps and timelines to process your interconnection application. Contact Evan Van Lanen at or 920-433-5530 to assist you with any information you need to complete your interconnection.


The steps below are required by state law to interconnect to our distribution system. Links to actual state law and associated guidelines are located at the bottom of this page.

Step 1: Interconnection application

Your role: Complete appropriate Michigan Interconnection Application form and submit it via one of following:
Mail: Christine Behnke, Wisconsin Public Service, 1717 10th Ave, Menominee, MI 49858

Optional (Required for Level 4 and 5) Applicants may request a pre-application report to obtain information about distribution system and substation conditions at their proposed interconnection location. Complete the Pre-Application Request form, mail and/or send via email (above). There is a $300 non-refundable pre-application request fee.

Step 2: Complete supplemental form

Your role: Complete appropriate supplemental form based on your type of generation system and submit with application.
(Not required if filing pre-application)

Step 3: Application review

Our role: Within 10 business days of receiving your new or revised application, we notify you whether the application is complete and if an impact study will be required. If the application is complete and no impact study is required, we complete and send you the appropriate standard Interconnection Agreement. The Interconnection Agreement must be signed by you and us prior to starting construction.
(Go to step 9)
Your role: If the application is incomplete, you resubmit it with the needed corrections.

Step 4: System impact study

Our role: If an impact study is required, we notify you within 10 business days of your completed application. We will provide you with the study costs and an impact study agreement that must be signed by both parties.

Step 5: System impact study review

Our role: After you sign the provided agreement, and submit applicable payment, we complete the system impact study and notify you of results.

Step 6: Facilities study determination

Our role: If the system impact study determines that a facilities study is necessary, we provide you with a written cost estimate and a facilities study agreement to sign.

Step 7: Completion of facilities study

Our role: After you send us the signed facilities study agreement, and pay the applicable fee, we conduct the facilities study to assess the impact your generating system would have to our distribution system if it was connected.

Step 8: Notification of construction or modification costs

Our role: We provide you with a written agreement that includes the facilities study results and any costs associated with upgrades or modifications needed to our distribution system.
Your role: You submit the signed agreement and payment for the work related to the interconnection upgrades or modifications.
Our role: After we receive payment, we perform all work needed to upgrade or modify our distribution system to accommodate the interconnection of your generating equipment.

Step 9: Installation of customer generation

Your role: You install your generating equipment within a timeframe that is mutually agreed upon and notify us when installation is complete.

Step 10: System testing

Your role: After completed installation, you must provide any inspection results and pictures that are required, and give us the opportunity to witness or verify system testing. You also are required to provide us with any test results.
Our role: After we receive notification that installation is complete, we do one (or both) of the following:

  • Witness commissioning tests.
  • Perform an anti-islanding test, or verify protective equipment settings, at our expense.

Step 11: Testing approval/rejection

Our role: We notify you of our approval or rejection of interconnection. If approved, we provide a written statement of final acceptance and cost reconciliation. If we do not approve interconnection, you may take corrective action and then request a recommissioning to be scheduled.

Step 12: Power Purchase Agreement

Our role: After you receive an interconnection approval notice, we will complete and send you the appropriate Power Purchase Agreement.
Your role: Complete and submit the Power Purchase Agreement to your utility project coordinator. After the agreement form is completed and signed by you and us, and all other requirements are met, you may begin operation of your generating equipment.

Customer generation tariffs

Electric rates tariff — view and use bookmarks for these program details:

Information and forms for owners and installers