Budget Billing — frequently asked questions

If your question is not answered here, or if you'd like more information, please contact us.

What is Budget Billing?
With Budget Billing, we review your past energy use, estimate your total energy costs over the next year and then simply bill you for 1/12 each month.

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Why is it better than just paying WPS for what I use each month?
Budget Billing spreads your energy charges out evenly over the entire year, helping you better manage your energy bills. No matter what the weather is like, you know you'll pay about the same amount every month.

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How does Budget Billing work?
The budget year begins with your first bill after joining the plan. Every six months, your account is reviewed, and your payment amount may be adjusted to more accurately reflect your actual use. On your Budget Billing anniversary, which is your 12th month on the plan, that bill will include any difference between what you paid and the actual cost of the energy you used throughout the year.

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Can I pay more than the monthly Budget Billing amount and have that extra applied to the total current balance?
No. Anything you pay that’s more than the monthly Budget Billing amount will only reduce your next monthly Budget Billing amount, not the total current balance.

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What if I paid too much?
It's simple. If you paid too much, the difference will be applied as a credit to your bill at the end of the Budget Billing year.

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What if I paid too little?
For our residential customers who paid too little, you can pay the difference outright or have WPS spread out the balance over the new Budget Billing year. For our business customers, the whole amount is due with your 12th month bill and cannot be carried over.

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Does the budget amount ever change?
Yes, occasionally. Your account is reviewed periodically because there are several reasons why your budget amount may go up or down. Besides rate changes and unusual weather, lifestyle changes like a new baby in the home can alter your energy use. Also, adding or removing equipment such as an air conditioner, swimming pool, hot tub, or even a dehumidifier could make a difference.

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Can I go on Budget Billing at any time?
Yes, if your account balance is current, you may begin the plan anytime.

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Who is eligible for Budget Billing?
Residential and certain commercial customers who are current with their payments are eligible. Residential customers who are not current need to establish and maintain a payment arrangement before enrolling in Budget Billing.

Eligibility by rate class in Wisconsin:
  • Residential Standard, Time-of-Use and Response Rewards
  • Small Commercial Standard, Time-of-Use and Response Rewards
Natural gas:
  • Residential
  • Firm Commercial Standard

Eligibility by rate class in Michigan:
  • Residential Standard and Time-of-Use
Natural gas:
  • Residential
  • Small Commercial Service

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Are there any other important requirements?
Since Budget Billing is a service to you, we appreciate prompt payment. If your monthly bills are not paid on time, you may incur late payment charges, and it may become necessary to remove you from the plan.

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Do you offer any other programs that could make paying my energy bills easier?
Yes, we do. Automatic Payment deducts your monthly payment directly from your checking or savings account, and is very popular with Budget Billing customers. By combining the two programs, you have about the same payment made automatically at the same time of every month.

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Can I select the due date of my bill?
Yes, with Preferred Due Date, you may choose the day you pay! You may have your payment deducted from your account on any day of the month you choose — first of the month, middle of the month or whatever day is best for you.

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How do I enroll in Budget Billing?
You can enroll online, by calling 800-450-7260, or by simply paying the Budget Billing amount indicated in the bill message near the bottom of your monthly bill.

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