Electric rates for Wisconsin farms

Who is this rate for?

Farms served by WPS usually have one of our electric rates for Small Commercial and Industrial service. These rates are designed to serve your operation if it requires less than 100 kilowatts of electricity per month.

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How reliable is my electric service?

Small Commercial and Industrial Electric Service provides a firm supply of electricity to your operation. This means the electricity is available continuously, whenever it's needed. The only exception-as with any electric service-is when unexpected events occur (such as a severe storm or a vehicle hitting a power pole) that make it impossible to deliver power. When WPS learns of any outage, we immediately begin efforts to restore power.

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What charges are involved?

Each month, your bill for electric service includes the following charges:

  • Energy Charge - The cost for the actual amount of electricity you use. Electricity is measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh). One kWh will light a 100-watt bulb for 10 hours.
  • Customer Charge - A charge that does not change with the amount of electricity you use. The Customer Charge is a daily charge that covers the fixed costs of providing safe, reliable electric service. Specifically, it covers the cost of WPS owning, maintaining and operating equipment that generates and delivers electricity to your farm, as well as the cost of providing customer service.
  • Wisconsin Low-Income Assistance Fee - A fee collected to support low-income energy assistance programs. The State of Wisconsin requires electric utilities to collect these fees and then transfer the funds to the Wisconsin Department of Administration to assist low-income customers. Find more information here.

Several factors can influence your monthly electricity use. Major factors measured by WPS are summarized on the right side of your monthly bill.

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How are my charges calculated?

Less than 12,500 kWh used per month Type of customer Customer Charge (daily) Energy Charge (per kWh)
Single-phase service Year-round
$0.9084 $0.12835
$1.8168 $0.12835
Three-phase service (typically for use of larger-sized motors) Year-round
$1.4535 $0.12835
$2.9070 $0.12835
More than 12,500 kWh used per month Type of customer Customer Charge (daily) Energy Charge (per kWh)
Single-phase service Year-round
$2.0712 $0.11351
$4.1425 $0.11351
Three-phase service (typically for use of larger-sized motors) Year-round
$3.3140 $0.11351
$6.6279 $0.11351

* If your seasonal facility is used during the summer months, you'll be billed for electric service May through Oct. If your seasonal facility is used during the winter months, you'll be billed for electric service Nov. through Apr. Your electric service may remain connected all year. Any incidental electric use during the "off-season" will be included on your first bill of the following season. If your electric use is more than 500 kilowatt-hours during the off-season, WPS will send you a bill during the off-season.

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