Meter exchange requests

Accurate and reliable natural gas meter readings are very important to WPS, and to you, our customer. To ensure our natural gas meters remain accurate, we are required by state code to test our meters on a regular basis and replace them as necessary.

Meter exchanges are:

  • Free!
  • Required by state code.
  • Part of our maintenance program to ensure the reliable and safe delivery of natural gas.
  • Expected to take less than one hour.

Did you receive a meter exchange request?

Please provide your preferred contact and appointment information below, so we can call to schedule your meter exchange. You can also call 24-hour customer service at 800-450-7260 to schedule your appointment.

Contact me to schedule my meter exchange

Frequently asked questions

Why do you need to replace my natural gas meter?
WPS's natural gas meters are accurate and reliable. To ensure they remain accurate, all Wisconsin natural gas utilities are required by the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin to test their natural gas meters on a regular basis. In order to test the meters, they need to be removed from service.

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Is there a charge for this service?
No, there is no charge to you for this service.

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Will my natural gas be shut off?
Yes, for a short time while the meter is being exchanged. When doing a meter exchange, we also test and maintain the natural gas meter assembly and regulator. After our work is done, we will relight appliances and conduct a free safety inspection of your piping and appliances to ensure they're operating safely.

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Do I need to be home?
Yes. An adult 18 years or older will need to be home to allow us inside your home to relight appliances and conduct a safety inspection of your piping and appliances.

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Do you need to come into my home?
Yes. After your meter is exchanged, we will need access inside your home to relight appliances and conduct a free safety inspection of your piping and appliances.

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How long will a natural gas meter exchange take?
Typically, a natural gas meter exchange takes 30 minutes to one hour. Occasionally, unforeseen issues can result in a longer duration. We will make every effort to restore your natural gas service as quickly as possible.

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Why is this work being done during the winter when I need my heat?
We understand that this work may be an inconvenience to you during the winter. However, it's important for us to conduct the safety inspections when the natural gas heating equipment is operating. Fortunately, the majority of our meter exchanges take less than one hour, so you shouldn't notice any temperature change in your home during this brief outage.

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How can I be sure it's a WPS employee asking for access into my home?
We understand and share your safety concern. We are aware of recent incidents in which individuals posed as utility professionals to gain access to customers' homes. For your safety, always look for the following identifiers to ensure it's a WPS employee in your yard or at your door.
  • WPS employees operate vehicles clearly marked with the WPS logo.
  • WPS employees carry company identification cards and will be happy to present them.
If at any time you are uncomfortable and would like additional verification, WPS employees can present you with the name and number of their supervisor for you to contact. You can also call 24-hour customer service at 800-450-7260 to confirm work is scheduled to be done on your property.

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