Purchase ENERGY STAR certified home electronics

Another way to make your home energy efficient is to replace standard electronics with ENERGY STAR certified models. Start with the most-used electronics in your home, such as your computer or television, to recover your investment more quickly.

Skill level: Basic
No more skill required than to find the ENERGY STAR label on the box, and rest assured you’re saving energy and money.
Cost range: Varies per appliance
Although ENERGY STAR certified electronics may cost more initially, they can pay the difference over time in energy savings.
Savings: 30%-65% in energy (computers); 40% in energy (TVs)
Choose an ENERGY STAR certified TV, which is at least 40% more efficient than standard models, with larger models having to meet even more stringent standards to earn the label. Using an ENERGY STAR computer can use 30%-65% less energy than computers without this designation, depending on how much it’s used.