Heating tips

Increase home heating efficiency

Furnaces are responsible for nearly 30% of home energy use. Use these tips to increase efficiency and minimize energy costs.

Heating tips Skill level Cost Savings
Change air filter
Clean air filters help furnaces run efficiently and can lower energy use up to 15%. Check your filter every 30 days and especially when the system is heavily used, as during hot summer and cold winter months. If the filter is dirty, replace it if disposable, or clean it if permanent.

Basic $6-$35 Up to 15%
Get preseason tuneups
Schedule yearly HVAC system tuneups to improve efficiency and life span. Besides saving money on energy bills, having a contractor check connections can help avoid unsafe conditions, including fire and health hazards.

Professional About $100 + parts Up to 10%
Install smart and programmable thermostat
Save energy with a smart and programmable thermostat that reduces heat when not needed. Set thermostat at 68 F, then program it to decrease temperature 8 degrees when away from home and overnight.

Advanced $25-$250 Up to $180 annually
Upgrade insulation
Add or upgrade insulation to save energy year-round, keeping cooler in summer and warmer in winter. A minimum insulating value of R-38 will reduce energy bills and improve comfort. Start with the attic, typically the most cost-effective place to add insulation. If the home feels drafty in winter or warm in summer, additional insulation in exterior walls, crawl space or basement may help.

Advanced to professional Varies About $200 annually
Seal and insulate ducts
Seal and insulate HVAC ductwork to improve energy efficiency, especially seams and connections that run through an attic, crawl space, basement and/or garage. Use mastic duct sealant or metal-backed tape, then wrap in insulation to keep ducts warm in winter and cool in summer. Check connections where vents meet floors, walls and ceilings. Also make sure air vents aren’t blocked by furniture or rugs. A contractor can inspect and repair the whole duct system.

Advanced to professional $10-$20 tape rolls 20%
Install energy-efficient windows
Install ENERGY STAR® windows to increase home energy efficiency. Though relatively costly to upgrade, windows improve efficiency by reducing drafts and maintaining even temperatures. If unable to replace existing windows, seal gaps, add storm windows and use window coverings, such as thermal curtains, to retain heat.

Professional $400-$1,000 each + installation 10%-15% annually
Seal leaks
Sealing leaks is a cost-effective way to save money on energy costs and improve household comfort by reducing drafts. Weatherstripping creates a tight seal between movable components such as doors and windows. Use a qualified technician to detect leaks or find them yourself from visual inspections inside and outside the home. Weatherstripping is easy to install. Metal types are affordable and long lasting. Vinyl resists moisture in high-traffic areas. Felts and foams are best for low-traffic areas. Other sealing approaches include caulk and caulking gun, gaskets for electrical outlets and switches, fireplace draft stoppers and attic door covers.

Basic to advanced $20-$300 Up to 20%
Install window film (1 minute video)
Window shrink wrap can help reduce heat loss to drafty windows.

Basic $5-$100 Up to 35%