For most homeowners, storage-type water heaters set above 120 F are using more energy without providing any additional benefits. One set to even 140 F can waste $36 to $61 annually in excess heating. Be sure to turn off electric, or turn down gas, water heaters while on vacation to avoid energy waste.
- Skill level: Basic to advanced
- Water heater thermostats are generally behind access panels. Many homeowners feel comfortable adjusting their thermostats, while some would rather leave it to another member of the family with experience. Use a thermometer to test the hot water temperature at the sink closest to the water heater. Adjust the water heater temperature based on testing results and retest the following day until the water heater is set to 120 F.
- How to adjust water heater temperature
- Cost range: Free
- Lowering your water heater thermostat is a do-it-yourself way to save energy and money.
- Savings: Reduce heat losses by 25%-45%
- Keeping your water heater at 120 F will save about 9% in water heating costs.