An optional rate for customers in Michigan
You can save as much as 15 percent per month on your electric bill by using
high-demand equipment during the times of day when there's low demand for electricity.
Electricity is most expensive to produce during the hours of peak usage —
times on weekdays that generally correspond with business hours. When you select a
Time-of-Use option to use a greater amount of electricity during hours when
power is less costly to produce, we pass along the savings to you. You don't
have to reduce the amount of electricity you use. What's important is the time
of day you use it.
Because Time-of-Use savings hours are in effect 73 percent of the time, some commercial and
industrial customers have found that they can save money by simply adjusting when they
perform some electric operations, such as trash compacting, laundry, cleaning, dish
washing, screen printing, and kiln firing.
Review terms and sign up
Time-of-Use makes powerful savings
Compare the rate you currently pay with the following Time-of-Use rates:
Regular customer rate $0.09803 per kWh
Time-of-Use savings rates |
$0.05442 per kWh |
Rate during Time-of-Use electric savings hours |
$0.2177 per kWh |
Time-of-Use rate during peak usage hours |
Time-of-Use electric savings options
There is a Time-of-Use electric savings option to meet your needs and hours
of operation. Choose one of the three convenient savings schedules listed below
and you'll pay the Time-of-Use Saving Rates during those hours.
Option 1 |
Option 2 |
Summer: (May-Sept.) |
7 p.m. to 9 a.m. |
8 p.m. to 10 a.m. |
Winter: (Oct.-April) |
Noon to 4 p.m. and 9 p.m. to 8 a.m. |
Noon to 4 p.m. and 10 p.m. to 9 a.m. |
Remember, Saturdays, Sundays and major holidays are around-the-clock
savings days.
Holidays include New Year's Eve, New Year's Day, Good Friday, Memorial
Day (Day Observed), Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday
following Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
If the holiday falls on Sunday, then Monday becomes a savings day. If
the holiday falls on Saturday, then there will be no alternate savings day.
Time-of-Use agreement
Each month, you pay a Fixed Charge that covers fixed costs associated
with billing and service. Under Time-of-Use, your monthly Fixed Charge will
include an additional $2 charge for special metering costs associated with
Time-of-Use service.
When you apply for Time-of-Use, a WPS
representative will replace your existing meter with a special meter that measures
the electricity you use during Time-of-Use savings hours and peak-usage hours.
We ask that new Time-of-Use customers commit to the program for a minimum of
one year. Customers who leave the Time-of-Use program are not eligible to reinstate
Time-of-Use for one year.
Who saves most with Time-of-Use?
If less than 35 percent of your business's electricity use occurs during peak electric hours,
you'll save money with Time-of-Use. Your savings will grow as you increase the amount
of electricity used during Time-of-Use savings hours instead of during the more costly
peak use hours.
If you use auxiliary lighting, refrigeration, coolers or an electric water heater
larger than 40 gallons, you can see significant savings with Time-of-Use. Use either
manual or automatic timing to limit operation during peak electric hours.
If you shift trash compacting, laundry, cleaning, dishwashing, screen printing or
kiln firing to electric savings hours, you can save money with Time-of-Use.
Timers make it easy
Timer controls make it easier to switch your electricity to use Time-of-Use
savings hours. Plug-in timers, found at local hardware, discount or home improvement
stores, can help control smaller appliances. Hard-wired timers can control major electric
equipment, including water heaters, electric heaters, central air conditioners,
refrigeration, and pool or spa heaters.
Sign up now
You can sign up for Time-of-Use
or call us toll-free at 877-444-0888.