Switching suppliers — frequently asked questions

If your question is not answered here, or if you'd like more information, please contact us.

Is there a charge to switch to another AES or back to WPS?
No. Multiple switches made within a 12-month period may be subject to a fee.

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How many times can I switch?
It depends on the contract you sign with an Alternative Electric Supplier. There may be no time limit set. The time it takes to switch suppliers depends on when the switch request is received, the validation of the switch request and scheduled meter readings.

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What other fees are involved?
There may be a fee if your meter cannot be read for an extended period of time. Additional fees may be charged for energy use information requested more than once a year. There may be early termination fees due to your AES, if cancelled prior to your contract term.

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If I switch, will I continue to get just one bill for my electric services?
No, you will receive two bills. One from your Alternative Electric Supplier for your electric supply and one from WPS for your electric delivery service. WPS and the AES may agree to one complete billing option. In that case, you would receive one bill from WPS with all charges.

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Do I have to switch?
No. WPS will continue to provide you service as long as you want. You are not obligated to switch to an AES.

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What are the advantages of switching?
Customers may see some savings on their electric supply costs if they switch to a contracted AES rate.

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Can I switch via the Internet?
No. At this time, switching via the Internet is not available.

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Who can I switch to?
There is a list of Alternative Electric Suppliers licensed by the State of Michigan on their website at www.michigan.gov/mpsc (See WPS tab for current suppliers).

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Can I switch back?
Yes, you may switch back to WPS or another AES. If you are under a contract, there may be some restrictions or fees to switch.

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How long will it take to switch?
You can submit a switch request at any time. We normally validate your request within 3 business days of the receipt and notify you when the switch date is set.

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