Reduce your energy use and energy bills by making some changes around your home.
The cost to run your household appliances is a large enough part of your energy budget that taking steps to use less can really pay off.
Cooling accounts for about 17% of your home’s annual energy bill. But, with a little know-how, you can cut costs significantly without sacrificing your cool summer comfort.
Consumer electronic products are responsible for approximately 15% of today’s household electricity use. You can reduce that energy use and your bill with a little know-how.
Improve your furnace’s efficiency to minimize heating costs, which are nearly 30% of your energy bill.
Learn how to reduce your energy bill, while keeping your home comfortable and warmly lit.
Take steps now to improve your water-heating equipment’s efficiency.
Find ways to reduce your energy bills during the holiday season.
Find out why more than 177 million Americans choose natural gas for their everyday energy needs.
Measure the power (in Watts) your home appliances and electronics use.